Friday, December 3, 2010

Pakai ban ukuran berapa?

(Maaf - Saya lupa ngambil dari mana yg jelas bukan tulisan saya)
"Pakai ban ukuran berapa?," tanya penjaga toko ban. "15 dan lebar 195," jawab pemilik kendaraan.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Monday, September 20, 2010

Remove Ikee Worm on Iphone

If you notice your battery suddenly drain sooo fast, and/or you found poc-bbot on process list (you can use "System Activity Monitor" to see the process list) thats mean your Iphone infected with Ikee Worm.

Instruction to delete the worm can be found at or

My simple guidance:
Use DiskAid or Iphonebrowser to delete files below:

If your background is changes too delete files below:

restart Iphone

If that doesn’t do it, an alternate version of the ikee worm requires you to remove these files instead.
If you removed the above four files, you’ll have to reinstall Cydia.

And the most important thing after install Cydia and openSSH don't forget to change root password!! using pTerm.

iPhone Process List

The belows are iPhone process list, you can check them one by one for disable or enable these iPhone Service or not.

Launchd: takes over many tasks from cron, xinetd, mach_init, and init, which are UNIX programs that traditionally have handled system initialization, called systems scripts, run startup items, and generally prepared the system for the user. (do not close)

TQServer: Net Long Company PC Suit daemon (recommend not to close it)

BTServer: Bluetooth Service (BlueTooth) (in my environment with the dock, turn it off iphone not responding)

CommCenter: Communications Center (phone system) (do not close)

configd: to automatically configure and maintain the network (do not close)

cron: regularly scheduled command or script execution (alarm clock might use it, recommend not to close it)

mDNSResponder: Multicast-DNS Responder daemon. (Do not turn off)

lockdownd: so that iPhone can use other SIM card (do not close)

ptpd: the process of connecting itunes (do not close)

fitx: WeFIT Input Method (not recommended to be closed)

mediaserverd: (system sounds) (do not close)

notifyd: inter-process communication (do not close)

SpringBoard: Springboard is no better explanation in English, if you used the installer or ibrickr install a third-party software, you will find the middle of the screen there is a circular symbol loader, and then immediately return to the standby screen iPhone , then this is a Springboard restart the process (do not close)

MobilePhone: I need not explain this right (do not close)

sshd: ssh daemon (you can close it)

crashreporterd: test application crashes the daemon. (Recommend to close)

dock: dock the software process (you decide to use or not)

iapd: ipod is the iphone and other Apple products using a communication protocol, the purpose is to allow other third-party devices such as communication equipment and iphone. (Recommended closure)

syslogd: recording system error logs and status messages (recommend to close)

update: time to refresh the file system cache to prevent data loss caused by system crash (recommend to close). If you want to manually sync the file system cache, in text mode (ssh to connect to the iphone), implementation of the sync command.

crashreporterd, iapd, syslogd, update service can be safely shut down and will not impact on the system. fitx memory for not a lot of information needs to hand in the hair starts, so I do not recommend turning off.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

iPhone atau BB?

Keduanya adalah gadget yang canggih, tergantung dari si pengguna lebih milih yang mana.

iPhone lebih ke entertainment, games, didukung buanyaaak sekali aplikasi spt layaknya produk2 apple. Dari yg gratis dengan cacatan akan disusupi iklan2 yg mengganggu sampai yg harus bayar dengan full feature, juga ada. Semuanya harus dibeli via AppStore kecuali sudah dilakukan jailbreak shg memungkinkan agar 3rd party aplikasi yg tidak rekomended apple atau yang yg sudah di crack bisa running.
Kelemahannya adalah baterenya cepet habis (ios 3.1.3) terutama jika digunakan untuk 3d games, atau koneksi Internet dg 3g aktif, belum coba jika digunakan untuk play music or video.

Tambah lagi di negara kita dimana sinyal provider masih belum bagus, otomatis iPhone akan selalu search sinyal yg menyebabkan batere tmbh cpt drop.

Jika dibanding BB, koneksi internetnya tidak terenkripsi & tidak dikompres (Di BB ada BIS atau BES yang langsung konek ke server BB di california dg data terenkripsi & dikompres). Jadi kalo sinyal lagi jelek yaaa lemooot. 

Sebagai info tambahan saat ini jailbreak sudah legal di US meskipun apple tidak "senang" dengan keputusan ini, sehingga ios ios terbarunya pasti menutup celah agar tidak bisa dijailbreak.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Enabling and disabling services during start up in GNU/Linux


In any Linux distribution, some services are enabled to start at boot up by default. For example, on my machine, I have pcmcia, cron daemon, postfix mail transport agent ... just to name a few, which start during boot up. Usually, it is prudent to disable all services that are not needed as they are potential security risks and also they unnecessarily waste hardware resources. For example, my machine does not have any pcmcia cards so I can safely disable it. Same is the case with postfix which is also not used.

So how do you disable these services so that they are not started at boot time?

The answer to that depends on the type of Linux distribution you are using. True, many Linux distributions including Ubuntu bundle with them a GUI front end to accomplish the task which makes it easier to enable and disable the system services. But there is no standard GUI utility common across all Linux distributions. And this makes it worth while to learn how to enable and disable the services via the command line.

But one thing is common for all Linux distributions which is that all the start-up scripts are stored in the '/etc/init.d/' directory. So if you want to say, enable apache webserver in different run levels, then you should have a script related to the apache webserver in the /etc/init.d/ directory. It is usually created at the time of installing the software. And in my machine (which runs Ubuntu), it is named apache2. Where as in Red Hat, it is named httpd. Usually, the script will have the same name as the process or daemon.

Here I will explain different ways of enabling and disabling the system services.

1) Red Hat Method
Red Hat and Red Hat based Linux distributions make use of the script called chkconfig to enable and disable the system services running in Linux.

For example, to enable the apache webserver to start in certain run levels, you use the chkconfig script to enable it in the desired run levels as follows:

# chkconfig httpd --add# chkconfig httpd on --level 2,3,5This will enable the apache webserver to automatically start in the run levels 2, 3 and 5. You can check this by running the command:

# chkconfig --list httpdOne can also disable the service by using the off flag as shown below:

# chkconfig httpd off# chkconfig httpd --delRed Hat also has a useful script called service which can be used to start or stop any service. Taking the previous example, to start apache webserver, you execute the command:

# service httpd startand to stop the service...

# service httpd stopThe options being start, stop and restart which are self explanatory.

2) Debian Method
Debian Linux has its own script to enable and disable services across runlevels. It is called update-rc.d. Going by the above example, you can enable apache webserver as follows:

# update-rc.d apache2 defaults... this will enable the apache webserver to start in the default run levels of 2,3,4 and 5. Of course, you can do it explicitly by giving the run levels instead of the "defaults" keyword as follows:

# update-rc.d apache2 start 20 2 3 4 5 . stop 80 0 1 6 .The above command modifies the sym-links in the respective /etc/rcX.d directories to start or stop the service in the destined runlevels. Here X stands for a value of 0 to 6 depending on the runlevel. One thing to note here is the dot (.) which is used to terminate the set which is important. Also 20 and 80 are the sequence codes which decides in what order of precedence the scripts in the /etc/init.d/ directory should be started or stopped.

And to disable the service in all the run levels, you execute the command:

# update-rc.d -f apache2 remove. Here -f option which stands for force is mandatory.

But if you want to enable the service only in runlevel 5, you do this instead:

# update-rc.d apache2 start 20 5 . stop 80 0 1 2 3 4 6 .

3) Gentoo Method

Gentoo also uses a script to enable or disable services during boot-up. The name of the script is rc-update . Gentoo has three default runlevels. Them being: boot, default and nonetwork. Suppose I want to add the apache webserver to start in the default runlevel, then I run the command:

# rc-update add apache2 default... and to remove the webserver, it is as simple as :

# rc-update del apache2To see all the running applications at your runlevel and their status, similar to what is achieved by chkconfig --list, you use the rc-status command.

# rc-status --all4) The old fashioned way

I remember the first time I started using Linux, there were no such scripts to aid the user in enabling or disabling the services during start-up. You did it the old fashioned way which was creating or deleting symbolic links in the respective /etc/rcX.d/ directories. Here X in rcX.d is a number which stands for the runlevel. There can be two kinds of symbolic links in the /etc/rcX.d/ directories. One starts with the character 'S' followed by a number between 0 and 99 to denote the priority, followed by the name of the service you want to enable. The second kind of symlink has a name which starts with a 'K' followed by a number and then the name of the service you want to disable. So in any runlevel, at any given time, for each service, there should be only one symlink of the 'S' or 'K' variety but not both.

So taking the above example, suppose I want to enable apache webserver in the runlevel 5 but want to disable it in all other runlevels, I do the following:

First to enable the service for run level 5, I move into /etc/rc5.d/ directory and create a symlink to the apache service script residing in the /etc/init.d/ directory as follows:

# cd /etc/rc5.d/# ln -s /etc/init.d/apache2 S20apache2This creates a symbolic link in the /etc/rc5.d/ directory which the system interprets as - start (S) the apache service before all the services which have a priority number greater than 20.

If you do a long listing of the directory /etc/rc5.d in your system, you can find a lot of symlinks similar to the one below.

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 17 Mar 31 13:02 S20apache2 -> ../init.d/apache2Now if I start a service, I will want to stop the service while rebooting or while moving to single user mode and so on. So in those run levels I have to create the symlinks starting with character 'K'. So going back to the apache2 service example, if I want to automatically stop the service when the system goes into runlevel 0, 1 or 6, I will have to create the symlinks as follows in the /etc/rc0.d, /etc/rc1.d/, /etc/rc6.d/ directories.

# ln -s /etc/init.d/apache2 K80apache2One interesting aspect here is the priority. Lower the number, the higher is the priority. So since the starting priority of apache2 is 20 - that is apache starts way ahead of other services during startup, we give it a stopping priority of 80. There is no hard and fast rule for this but usually, you follow the formula as follows:

If you have 'N' as the priority number for starting a service, you use the number (100-N) for the stopping priority number and vice versa.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Metro Ethernet vs Leased Line

Average ping time router to router with load 1500 via :
- Metro ethernet 30 ms
- Leased Line 16 ms

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Download Cisco VPN Client

Cisco VPN Client for Windows, Mac, Linux

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Pilih Velg Bekas - Ada beberapa alasan orang ingin mengganti velg mobilnya. Salah satu alasannya adalah untuk mempercantik penampilan mobilnya, terutama bagi para 'penggila' modifikasi mobil, yakni dengan mengganti model velg, dari velg standard atau biasa disebut velg kaleng menjadi velg racing. Atau juga bisa jadi orang mengganti velg mobilnya karena memang sudah penyok atau lecet dan berkarat.
Dan jika kondisi keuangan memadai, maka kita tinggal pergi ke salah satu toko variasi mobil dan memilih dari ratusan model velg baru yang tersedia di sana. Namun jika kondisi kantong pas-pasan, maka pilihan velg bekas pun bisa jadi alternatif yang murah dan meriah. Toh, walaupun bekas, bukan berarti velg sudah tak layak pakai. Kalau kita pintar memilihnya, bisa jadi kita dapat barang yang BSB alias Bekas Seperti Baru.

Nah, jika kita akan berburu velg bekas, mata kita perlu awas dalam menentukan kualitas velg yang dipilih. Jangan sampai dapat velg yang pernah pecah, bengkok ataupun dicat ulang. Oleh sebab itu, dibutuhkan ketelitian kita dalam memeriksa kondisi velg bekas yang akan kita beli.

Memilih velg bekas memang membutuhkan kesabaran dan ketelitian. Hal pertama yang kudu kita perhatikan adalah kondisi fisik velg tersebut, layak pakai atau tidak?

1. Bibir Velg
Pastikan kondisi bibir velg bebas dari pecah dan benjol (peyang, red). Perlu diwaspadai, velg dengan diameter besar rawan pecah jika menggunakannya kurang hati-hati. Jika benjolnya susah untuk dideteksi secara kasatmata, gunakan mesin balancing. Untuk memeriksa velg yang masih terpasang ban, sebaiknya ban dilepaskan dahulu untuk mempermudah pengecekan.

Pemakaian velg peyang akan mengurangi kenyamanan dalam berkendara. Namun, jika kita tetap ingin membelinya karena alasan sudah kepincut dengan desainnya, bisa diakali dengan di-press di bengkel khusus velg. Semakin besar dimensi velg, semakin tinggi ongkosnya.

2. Bekas Bubutan
Masih seputar bibir velg, periksa juga apakah ada bekas bubutan. Kondisi tersebut bisa dilihat berupa garis-garis pada bibir velg. Jika Anda menemui bekas tersebut, berarti velg pernah bengkok atau peyang. Sebab, salah satu cara untuk membenahi velg yang telah bengkok, selain di-press juga dengan cara dibubut. Jadi, bekas bubutan itu pasti terlihat.
Selain itu, perhatikan juga offset-nya. Jangan sampai juga ada bekas garis-garis bubutan. Sebab jika sudah dibubut, berarti offset velg tersebut sudah berubah dari kondisi aslinya.

3. Cat Ulang Atau Overspet
Telitilah cat atau lapisan luar velg. Andaikan dilapis krom, maka warna krom yang asli akan lebih mengkilap dibandingkan dengan krom polesan. Jika velg dicat, warna velg harus merata dan sesuai aslinya. Untuk mengetahui apakah velg tersebut pernah dicat ulang, bisa dilihat dari emblem atau cetakan merek pada velg tersebut.

Jika sudut cetakan terlihat 'tajam', maka kemungkinan besar cat velg tersebut masih asli. Namun, tak bisa dipungkiri, untuk hal ini diperlukan orang yang hafal dan sudah terbiasa 'bermain' dengan velg. Perlunya kita mencermati hal ini adalah untuk menghindari overspet yang bertujuan untuk menyembunyikan cacat yang dimiliki oleh velg. Jadi, jangan tertipu oleh penampilan cat yang 'kinclong'.

Nah, intinya, jika kita ingin membeli velg bekas, lebih baik teliti tak jadi membeli sebelum membayarnya. Sebab, jarang ada penjual velg bekas yang memberikan jaminan kualitas velg yang dijualnya. Usai memeriksa secara visual, lakukan pengecekan terakhir di mesin balancing roda, untuk mendapatkan pengukuran yang lebih akurat. (oto/bun)


Velg aluminium itu bagus JIKA pengecorannya bagus dan pendinginannya seragam. Biasanya velg yang bagus dipake sebagai OEM oleh ATPM, dan kalo dijual lepas harganya lebih mahal. Kalo velg racing biasa yang murahan, kemungkinan retak rambut sangat tinggi, jadi bisa patah pada saat dikendarai. Ini bisa jadi fatal. Cara mudah untuk mengecek velg racing yang bagus (walaupun murah) sebenarnya gampang. Velg digantung bebas, dan dipukul ringan pake obeng atau benda metal lain. Kalo suara mendengungnya halus dan lama, maka semakin bagus. Cari yang suara dengungnya halus dan luuaammaaa. Kalo dengungnya sebentar atau cenderung kasar, ada kemungkinan retak dalam. Retak luar bisa dihilangkan dengan cat, tapi tidak merubah suara dengung yang dihasilkan.

Kalo velg kaleng itu anti pecah, perawatan gampang. Kelemahan: ngk keren. Itu aja. Kalo mau keren, velg kaleng bisa cat dov item, ngk perlu kasi dop lagi.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Upgrade Kalyway 10.5.2 to 10.5.8

Required :
Another bootable Mac Partition (i am using Kalyway 10.5.2)
DSDT patcher
intelCPUPMDisabler.kext, AppleDecrypt.kext, dsmos.kext
Apple ComboUpdate 10.5.8

1. Fresh install Kalyway 10.5.2
2. Backup all extensions and kernel using OSX86Tools
3. Download and install DSDT patcher....and patch it
4. Download and install intelCPUPMDisabler.kext, AppleDecrypt.kext, dsmos.kext using OSX86Tools and restart
5. Download and install 10.5.8 combo update from Apple website
6. Shutdown, boot to another Mac partition
6. From another Mac partition,
- Edit /System/InstallAtStartup/scripts/1 with VIM or any other text editor, find the string "Dont steal...kext", replace with dsmos.kext
- Restore all Extensions and Kernel using OSX86Tools.
7. Boot to new Mac 10.5.8 Volume with -s option
8. Remove video drivers using /movevideodrivers then exit to load Mac GUI
9. Install all AppleGMA950 from Kalyway 10.5.8 update dmg using Pacifist
10. Install AppleIntelIntegratedFramebuffer.kext from 10.5.2 installer disk
11. Restart
11. Install AppleAltiVecDVDDriver.bundle from 10.5.8 update dmg so VLC can show the video
10. Restart
11. Done
Note: Do not click on System profiles --> Hardware --> Graphics/Display, will make error

Friday, May 21, 2010

Windows Auto Logon

This article describes how to configure Windows to automate the logon process by storing your password and other pertinent information in the registry database. With this feature, other users can start your computer and use the account that you establish to automatically log on.

IMPORTANT: The autologon feature is convenient; however, this feature may be a security risk. If you set a computer for autologon, anyone who can physically obtain access to the computer can gain access to all of the computer's contents, including any network or networks it is connected to. Additionally, when autologon is turned on, the password is stored in the registry in plain text. The specific registry key that stores this value can be remotely read by the Authenticated Users group. This setting is only recommended for cases it which the computer is physically secured and steps have been taken to make sure that untrusted users cannot remotely access the registry.
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Use Registry Editor to turn on automatic logon
Important This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you follow these steps carefully. For added protection, back up the registry before you modify it. Then, you can restore the registry if a problem occurs. For more information about how to back up and restore the registry, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
322756 ( ) How to back up and restore the registry in Windows

To use Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe) to turn on automatic logon, follow these steps:
Click Start, and then click Run.
In the Open box, type Regedt32.exe, and then press ENTER.
Locate the following subkey in the registry:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
Double-click the DefaultUserName entry, type your user name, and then click OK.
Double-click the DefaultPassword entry, type your password, and then click OK.NOTE: If the DefaultPassword value does not exist, it must be added. To add the value, follow these steps:

On the Edit menu, click New, and then point to String Value.
Type DefaultPassword, and then press ENTER.
Double-click DefaultPassword.
In the Edit String dialog, type your password and then click OK.
NOTE: If no DefaultPassword string is specified, Windows automatically changes the value of the AutoAdminLogon key from 1 (true) to 0 (false), disabling the AutoAdminLogon feature.

On the Edit menu, click New, and then point to String Value.
Type AutoAdminLogon, and then press ENTER.
Double-click AutoAdminLogon.
In the Edit String dialog box, type 1 and then click OK.
Quit Registry Editor.
Click Start, click Shutdown, and then type a reason in the Comment text box.
Click OK to turn off your computer.
Restart your computer. You can now log on automatically.
Notes To bypass the AutoAdminLogon process and to log on as a different user, hold down the SHIFT key after you log off or after Windows restarts.

Registry change will not work if the “Logon Banner” is defined on the server either by a Group Policy object (GPO) or by a local policy. When policy is changed to not impact server, the feature works as expected.

An interactive console logon that has a different user on the server changes the DefaultUserName registry entry as the last logged on user indicator. AutoAdminLogon relies on the DefaultUserName entry to match the user and the password. Therefore, AutoAdminLogon may fail. You may configure a shutdown script to set the correct DefaultUserName entry for AutoAdminLogonAs. For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
119364 ( ) AutoAdminLogon loses DefaultUserName
Back to the top


Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition (32-bit x86)
Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition (32-bit x86)
Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition (32-bit x86)
Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Web Edition
Microsoft Windows Server 2003, 64-Bit Datacenter Edition
Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Enterprise x64 Edition
Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2003 Premium Edition
Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2003 Standard Edition

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Daftar Harga Rangka Baja Ringan per Batang

Dari :



Harga per 6 m
Truss Baja Ringan

Truss baja ringan maju mandiri






Tebal .75 mm tinggi 7,5 cm lebar 3 cm

Truss baja ringan apluss







Tebal .80 mm tinggi 7,5 cm lebar 3,2 cm

Truss Baja ringan taso


Taso 75-75

Taso 75-80

Taso 75-80





Tebal .75 mm tinggi 7,5 cm lebar 3 cm

Tebal .80 mm tinggi 7,5 cm lebar 3 cm

Tebal .80 mm tinggi 7,5 cm lebar 3.5 cm

Truss Baja Ringan Essar





Tebal 0.7 mm, Tinggi 8,5 cm dan Lebar 4 cm

Tebal 1 mm tinggi 8,5 cm lebar 4 cm


Truss Baja Ringan Sipro

Tebal .75 mm tinggi 7,5 cm lebar 3,5 cm
Truss Baja ringan apro

Tebal .75 mm tinggi 7,5 cm lebar 3,5 cm

Reng Baja Ringan

Reng karya mandiri





Tebal 0.5 mm

Reng Apluss





Tebal 0.5 mm

Reng Taso Galvalum/zincalume

TS 32.45

Reng 0.45

Reng 0.60




Tebal 0.45 mm dan 0.6 mm

Reng Essar/Galvanis
Reng 0.5
Tebal 0.45 mm

Reng Apro Galvalum
Tebal 0.5 mm

Reng Sipro Galvanis
Tebal 0.5 mm


10 x 16 x 20
Rp. 135 /bh
merk steel

12 x 14 x 22
Rp. 185/bh
merk steel


10 panjang 6 cm

10 panjang 8 cm

Rp. 850/bh

Rp. 1000/bh

Talang jurai dalam
Panjang 2.5 m
Rp. 85.000/bh
Tebal 0.3 mm

Friday, April 23, 2010

Home Idea

Please check for Interior design and Architecture.
Some great idea :

Monday, February 15, 2010

How to block skype

Source :

Filed under: Access-lists, QOS, Router, security — ciscotips @ 4:36 am
On April 4th 2006, Cisco released IOS version 12.4 (4) T. Cisco introduced much awaited Skype classification in NBAR . So now with simple policy you can block skype. Skype can be blocked in a similar way as we use to block kazza,limewire and other p2p applications.


NBAR configuration to drop Skype packets

class−map match−any p2p
match protocol skype

policy−map block−p2p
class p2p

int FastEthernet0
description PIX−facing interface
service−policy input block−p2p

If you are unsure about the bandwidth eating applications being used in your organisation. you can access the interface connected to the Internet and configure following command

ip nbar protocol-discovery.

This will enable nbar discovery on your router.

Use following command:-

show ip nbar protocol-discovery stats bit-rate top-n 10

it will show you top 10 bandwidth eating applications being used by the users. Now you will be able to block/restrict traffic with appropriate QoS policy.

we can also use ip nbar port-map command to look for the protocol or protocol name, using a port number or numbers other than the well-known Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)-assigned) port numbers.

Usage as per cisco:-
ip nbar port-map protocol-name [tcp | udp] port-number

Up to 16 ports can be specified with this command. Port number values can range from 0 to 65535

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Free Hard Disk Backup / Restore and Image / Cloning Utilities


The hard disk and partition imaging software take a snapshot of your hard disk so that you can restore your system at a later time to the exact same state the system was when you imaged the disk or partition. This is useful for system recovery in case of a hard disk disaster. The term "image" is used because such software often copy the state of the hard disk sector by sector to your image. Hence if your hard disk was (say) defragmented with certain software occupying certain sectors when you backed up, it will be returned to that same state when you restore your backup. The image utilities often do not allow fine control what you backup - you can specify the partitions or hard disks to back up, but you usually will not be able to specify which folders to exclude or include. They are useful for backing up your system drive or partition, that is, the drive that you placed your operating system on. Hard disk imaging software are sometimes also used to clone a hard disk to another (useful for the times you change or upgrade your hard disk).

On the other hand, the hard disk, folder and files backup software listed here allow a finer control over what you back up. You can selectively backup and restore (say) your documents and email while omitting other files and directories. Some of the utilities allow you to schedule your backups, so that you can be sure that your important data are backed up periodically (for example, daily, weekly, monthly, etc). Depending on the utility, it may or may not support the backup of your system drive (the drive you booted from).

Note that commercial backup and imaging software, like Paragon Backup & Recovery Suite, Acronis True Image, and Terabyte Unlimited's Image for Windows (free trial download) are not listed here, other than being mentioned in this introduction.

Favorite : Bacula

Another link

g4u - Harddisk Image Cloning for PCs


g4u ("ghosting for unix") is a NetBSD-based bootfloppy/CD-ROM that allows easy cloning of PC harddisks to deploy a common setup on a number of PCs using FTP. The floppy/CD offers two functions. The first is to upload the compressed image of a local harddisk to a FTP server, the other is to restore that image via FTP, uncompress it and write it back to disk. Network configuration is fetched via DHCP. As the harddisk is processed as an image, any filesystem and operating system can be deployed using g4u. Easy cloning of local disks as well as partitions is also supported.

Supported Hardware
The system running g4u itself can have IDE, SATA, SCSI or RAID disks with various controllers (Adaptec, ...) as well as wide range of PCMCIA, Cardbus, ISA and PCI network cards. Please see the g4u kernel config for the full list of supported hardware.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Full Version of Windows XP on USB stick or USB external HDD


Indonesian version


Friday, January 22, 2010

Repair Windows Server Failure on RAID 5 (3HDD)

Experience on a weekend, make me not sleep in the beginning of 2010...

an IBM old machine.
Windows Server 2003 SP1 unable to boot due to ntoskrnl.exe not found.
1 of 3 SCSI internal disk on RAID5 failure/defunct, mark with amber/orange led.
Boot server using ServeRAID Support CD, found that disk0 (first disk) is defunct/failure.
Luckily the other 2 disks in good condition.
Rebuild the disk0 with right click on it and select Rebuild. Takes 2-3 hours.
Rebuild success (Thanks God...), but since disk0 save the table of content of RAID5, we have to chkdsk the partitions.
Boot using Windows Server OS installation CD (in my case RAID controller detected by Windows Installer CD - no need to remastering to add specific driver if in your case this is required, you can use nlite. RAID controller driver can be found at ServeRAID CD).
Select Repair will give you command prompt. On drive c, do "dir" but error with message " enumerated bla bla..."
Googling and fould the next step to repair.
ckhdsk /r to all of the partition. Takes 1-2 hours on every partition (base on your disk size).
Horeeeee.... server back online. But i have to restore the Domain Controller and many files which possibility corrupt, GPO blank :(
Database & Application Server which installed on that server back online.

Recommended : move the database & application server to another machine, change from RAID5 to RAID1 with 1 hotspare and reinstall OS.

Create / delete Windows Domain Controller

Start --> Run --> dcpromo

Delete (Demote)
Start --> Run --> dcpromo /u

Rename Windows 2003 Domain Controller

Change the static IP address of a domain controller Win2003Svr

Updated: March 2, 2005

Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2

This procedure includes changing all appropriate TCP/IP values, including preferred and alternate Domain Name System (DNS) servers, as well as Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) servers (if appropriate). Obtain these values from the design team.

If you change the static IP address of a domain controller, you must also change related TCP/IP settings accordingly. This includes changing the TCP/IP settings for all client computers that rely on the domain controller for related services, such as DNS services. If the affected client computers are configured with static IP addresses, the procedures for changing them should be covered in the operating system help. As an example, see Change TCP/IP settings ( If a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server is used to distribute DNS server IP addresses, you may have to modify DHCP server options. For a list of options, see DHCP Options Supported by Clients ( For specific instructions about changing DHCP options, see Modify an option (
Administrative Credentials

To change the static IP address of a domain controller
Log on locally (also known as interactively) to the system console of the domain controller whose IP address you want to change. If you are not able to log on to the domain controller by using the domain, you may have to start the domain controller in Directory Services Restore Mode (DSRM). For more information, see Restart the domain controller in Directory Services Restore Mode locally (

Change IP address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, DNS Server like you ussually do on common Windows OS.
If this domain controller uses WINS servers, click Advanced and then, in the Advanced TCP/IP Settings dialog box, click the WINS tab.
Click OK to close the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog box.

After you change the IP address of a domain controller, you should run the ipconfig /registerdns command to register the host record and dcdiag /fix command to ensure that service records are appropriately registered with DNS. For more information, see Dcdiag Overview and subordinate topics for additional information about the Dcdiag tool (

Changing the IP settings of a server does not affect the share resources or shared permissions on that server, if the name resolution structure DNS and WINS settings are correctly configured. However, if network drives or passive connections (connections that are made manually from a command prompt or run line) are mapped using the IP address, an update is required. For example, if a client computer has G: drive mapped using the following command net use g: \\\data and the IP address of the server that hosts the Data shared folder is changed from to, the new G: drive mapping command should be changed to net use g: \\\data. A better solution would be to ensure that DNS name resolution is working properly and to use the server name, as opposed to the IP address, in the command. For example, if the server name is DC1, the command to map a G: drive to the Data share on the server is net use g: \\dc1\data. It changes only if the server name changes; it is not affected if the IP address of the server changes.

Monday, January 11, 2010

PXE Boot

Ultimate Deployment Appliance
Welcome to the Ultimate Deployment Appliance Homepage.

What is the Ultimate Deployment Appliance?
Unattended OS installations (Windows, Linux, ESX, Solaris) over the network set-up in minutes!
Publish your favorite recovery/system maintenance tools over the network!
PXE Booting, Remote Installation Services, Kickstart, Jumpstart, Autoyast in a box!

When would you use this?
When you are trying to install a system that doesn't have a CDROM drive, but does have a network card (these days ultra-thin laptops and such don't have an optical drive)
When you have to install an operating system on different pieces of hardware.
When you have to install systems and want things to go automated and reproducible.
When you go to your friends house to fix his/her computer you want to be prepared. Instead of removing all that unwanted stuff you might as well start fresh. Bring your own system (laptop?), hook it up to the messed up system with a cross-cable and start re-install the system from scratch fully unattended. Head for the fridge...
When you need to do maintenance on your system without the need to carry around a stack of live CD's.
When you want to do this without paying lots of money for commercial products.

How Does it work?
Unattended Install The appliance mounts an iso file with a distribution of you favorite operating system and imports the necessary (network) boot-files. It creates a default configuration file for your automated installation and starts hosting the operating system distribution files for network booting.
System Tool Publishing Live CD's and other tools are imported entirely to the Ultimate Deployment appliance and are published for booting over the network trough PXE.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Windows 2003 Server Network Adapter Teaming (Redundance / failover)

To Enable 2 or more NIC in a Windows 2003 Server Box for Fail Over or Redundancy should use Network Adapter Teaming.
The driver came from the NIC manufacturer.
Max 8 NIC in a team
Different manufacturer NIC ? not sure it can use for one team.