Monday, September 20, 2010

Remove Ikee Worm on Iphone

If you notice your battery suddenly drain sooo fast, and/or you found poc-bbot on process list (you can use "System Activity Monitor" to see the process list) thats mean your Iphone infected with Ikee Worm.

Instruction to delete the worm can be found at or

My simple guidance:
Use DiskAid or Iphonebrowser to delete files below:

If your background is changes too delete files below:

restart Iphone

If that doesn’t do it, an alternate version of the ikee worm requires you to remove these files instead.
If you removed the above four files, you’ll have to reinstall Cydia.

And the most important thing after install Cydia and openSSH don't forget to change root password!! using pTerm.

iPhone Process List

The belows are iPhone process list, you can check them one by one for disable or enable these iPhone Service or not.

Launchd: takes over many tasks from cron, xinetd, mach_init, and init, which are UNIX programs that traditionally have handled system initialization, called systems scripts, run startup items, and generally prepared the system for the user. (do not close)

TQServer: Net Long Company PC Suit daemon (recommend not to close it)

BTServer: Bluetooth Service (BlueTooth) (in my environment with the dock, turn it off iphone not responding)

CommCenter: Communications Center (phone system) (do not close)

configd: to automatically configure and maintain the network (do not close)

cron: regularly scheduled command or script execution (alarm clock might use it, recommend not to close it)

mDNSResponder: Multicast-DNS Responder daemon. (Do not turn off)

lockdownd: so that iPhone can use other SIM card (do not close)

ptpd: the process of connecting itunes (do not close)

fitx: WeFIT Input Method (not recommended to be closed)

mediaserverd: (system sounds) (do not close)

notifyd: inter-process communication (do not close)

SpringBoard: Springboard is no better explanation in English, if you used the installer or ibrickr install a third-party software, you will find the middle of the screen there is a circular symbol loader, and then immediately return to the standby screen iPhone , then this is a Springboard restart the process (do not close)

MobilePhone: I need not explain this right (do not close)

sshd: ssh daemon (you can close it)

crashreporterd: test application crashes the daemon. (Recommend to close)

dock: dock the software process (you decide to use or not)

iapd: ipod is the iphone and other Apple products using a communication protocol, the purpose is to allow other third-party devices such as communication equipment and iphone. (Recommended closure)

syslogd: recording system error logs and status messages (recommend to close)

update: time to refresh the file system cache to prevent data loss caused by system crash (recommend to close). If you want to manually sync the file system cache, in text mode (ssh to connect to the iphone), implementation of the sync command.

crashreporterd, iapd, syslogd, update service can be safely shut down and will not impact on the system. fitx memory for not a lot of information needs to hand in the hair starts, so I do not recommend turning off.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

iPhone atau BB?

Keduanya adalah gadget yang canggih, tergantung dari si pengguna lebih milih yang mana.

iPhone lebih ke entertainment, games, didukung buanyaaak sekali aplikasi spt layaknya produk2 apple. Dari yg gratis dengan cacatan akan disusupi iklan2 yg mengganggu sampai yg harus bayar dengan full feature, juga ada. Semuanya harus dibeli via AppStore kecuali sudah dilakukan jailbreak shg memungkinkan agar 3rd party aplikasi yg tidak rekomended apple atau yang yg sudah di crack bisa running.
Kelemahannya adalah baterenya cepet habis (ios 3.1.3) terutama jika digunakan untuk 3d games, atau koneksi Internet dg 3g aktif, belum coba jika digunakan untuk play music or video.

Tambah lagi di negara kita dimana sinyal provider masih belum bagus, otomatis iPhone akan selalu search sinyal yg menyebabkan batere tmbh cpt drop.

Jika dibanding BB, koneksi internetnya tidak terenkripsi & tidak dikompres (Di BB ada BIS atau BES yang langsung konek ke server BB di california dg data terenkripsi & dikompres). Jadi kalo sinyal lagi jelek yaaa lemooot. 

Sebagai info tambahan saat ini jailbreak sudah legal di US meskipun apple tidak "senang" dengan keputusan ini, sehingga ios ios terbarunya pasti menutup celah agar tidak bisa dijailbreak.